Now I know the movie directors meant well...
And my one friend thought it was good enough that he wanted to do a remake for it for a youth service...
I am on board with this.
Because I like feeling God. And If I can't feel God, watching a film clip that has slow, elegant classical music with an inspiring but subtle ending makes me feel like I feel God and that's good enough...
I really do think the clip is well done...
But the ideology of the clip is a symptom of what terrible creatures us postmodernists have become
Because the underlying message here is: Homeless people don't matter. Marketing Slogans (logos, gimmicks, etc....) do matter.
The actual problem of homelessness or being in need is not the problem. The problem is lack of creativity by the homeless man.
Think about it: The man could barely get money. And then, his savior, all dressed in upper elitist fashion comes along and has the grace within her busy life to stop and restructure the man's entire advertising campaign. And with a few strokes of a marker, WA-LAH! (That was supposed to be a magic wand sound but i don't know how to spell it). The man's sales begin pouring in.
Which basically is another way to say, "we don't care about the homeless, but we do care about the surface marketing spiel you give us in the process."
In our rejection of depth in society (e.g. Godard, Bergman, Dylan, literature, classical music), , we have instead advocated a world driven by the Surface appearance where the explosions in film, the brand names, the logos, the photoshop art, is more important than the thing the surface represents.
Give us the one sentence tweet summary instead of having to read an entire book!
Give us the creative slogan instead of the homeless man!
Give me bowties. Give me fashion. Give me Apostolics who obsess about hair. Give me standards that allow me to look Apostolics! Instead of actually realizing that the paradox of Christianity speaks nothing to that junk.
Give me the Holy Ghost Emotion without the Holy Ghost Mandate to do it's Work.
Give me the Holy Ghost Emotion without the Holy Ghost Mandate to do it's Work.
Oh and I am no different. I do this too. We have to do this. No one will listen if we don't do this........
I just don't have to like it in the process. And I certainly don't have to be okay with you actually believing in it.